Getting Started With Compuware Source Support Tutorial
Source support is required to use some of the best features in Compuware’s portfolio. Xpediter, Strobe, and Abend-AID all use source support to help developers resolve problems faster. In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple COBOL program that is compiled with source support.
Creating a Source Support Listing Dataset
First we need to create a source support directory to store the source support file for this example COBOL program. To do this, right click “z/OS datasets” -> “Allocate” -> “Compuware Source Listing Dataset”.
Now create your Shared Directory and Database. In this example the shared directory name is “USERNAME.STROBE.EXAMPLE.SD” and the Database name is “USERNAME.STROBE.EXAMPLE.DB”.
We will use the shared directory you created here later in the tutorial.
Creating JCL Dataset
JCL is a scripting language used on Mainframes to execute programs. Before we can create a script, we will need somewhere to put it. If you already have a dataset, you can skip this section. Right click “z/OS Datasets” -> Allocate -> “PDS or Sequential Dataset”.
Fill in the required dataset characteristics. Here is an example:
Dataset Type: PDS
Space Units: Tracks
Primary Quantity: 5
Secondary Quantity: 15
Directory Blocks: 10
Record Format: FB
Record Length: 80
Block Size: 8000
Creating the JCL Script to Compile And Link
Now that our JCL dataset is allocated, we can add members (files) to it. To add a member to the JCL dataset, create a filter for “USERNAME.EXAMPLE.CNTL” by right clicking “z/OS Datasets”->”Add filter”.
To create a new member (file), right click on the dataset you created in the last section and click “New Member”.
Paste in the following code below into the new member. The JCL will compile, link, and create source support for your COBOL program. Update the variables at the top to reflect your system configuration.
Creating the COBOL dataset
Now we need to create a COBOL dataset to put our COBOL program in. Allocate another PDS with the following characteristics:
Dataset Type: PDS
Space Units: Cylinders
Primary Quantity: 1
Secondary Quantity: 10
Directory Blocks: 100
Record Format: FB
Record Length: 80
Block Size: 8000
Create another filter for “USERNAME.EXAMPLE.SRC” and add a new member.
Creating the COBOL Program
Here is the COBOL program we are going to compile. It’s a simple program that writes “HELLO WORLD” to the log four times. Paste this code into the new member.
Save the module and close it.
Creating the Load Module
Right click the JCL and click “submit”.
Open up the JES Explorer to check the return code of the job.
Create a filter for the job name “EXAMPLE” then click enter. After the job is completed, make sure the return code is 0 or 4.
Running the Example
Create a new member (file) called “SAMPCOBR” in USERNAME.EXAMPLE.CNTL and paste the following code:
Right click the job and click “submit”. Then open up the “JES Explorer” again. Create a new filter with prefix “EXAMPRUN”. Double click the top job to open up the log. Scroll down to the bottom and you should see the following:
That’s it!